HKUST Ranks No. 1 in Asia

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) is delighted that the highly reputable Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) Asian University Rankings has rated HKUST the top university in Asia for the first time since the University was established 20 years ago.

According to the QS Asian University Rankings released today (23 May 2011), HKUST's ranking in Asia has risen to first place in 2011 while the University ranked second last year.

An announcement from QS released today states that "The dynamism of the (Asian) region is confirmed by the fact that 20% of the top 50 universities are less than 50 years old, including HKUST which has just celebrated its twentieth anniversary."

Ben Sowter, Head of QS Intelligence Unit, says that HKUST is strong across most of the indicators, with its truly international character setting it apart. HKUST has the edge in research productivity, where the gap has widened in 2011.

HKUST President Prof Tony F Chan says, "HKUST's rapid rise on the higher education scene can be attributed to our positioning as a focused elite research university, our emphasis on excellence in faculty and students as well as on scholarship, and our international outlook while remaining as a university in China. To ensure continued success, we will put in even greater effort in recruiting excellent faculty and students, and we encourage entrepreneurship. HKUST will leverage on China's rapid economic growth and investment in science and technology. At the same time, we will maintain our international outlook and connections in all areas: from our students to faculty to research, and to global cooperation. We will continue to provide quality higher education for our own young people for the economic development and social advancement."

QS is the world's leading information specialist in the higher education sector with the mission of fostering educational achievement, international mobility and career development. Published for the first time in 2009, the QS Asian University Rankings is published annually and ranks Asia's top 200 universities based on relevant criteria including: academic peer review (30%), recruiter review (10%), student / faculty ratio (20%), papers per faculty (15%), citations per paper (15%), international faculty review (2.5%), international student review (2.5%), student exchange inbound (2.5%) and student exchange outbound (2.5%).

For full results of the QS Asian University Rankings, go to

Related articles:

ASIA: Hong Kong's rising university star [ University World News ]

The American Model [ Inside Higher Ed ]

For media enquiries, please feel free to contact :

Ross Lai
Tel: 2358 6306 / 9103 2928


Kit Yip
Tel: 2358 6313

 HKUST President Prof Tony F Chan is delighted that the University ranks No. 1 in Asia.
HKUST President Prof Tony F Chan is delighted that the University ranks No. 1 in Asia.