Experts Meet in HKUST to Discuss Future Sino-American Relations

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and the University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley) today (9 January) jointly hosted a high-impact regional workshop at the HKUST campus. The workshop brought top academics, journalists, business leaders and policy experts from mainland China, Hong Kong and the United States together to discuss factors impacting the present Sino-American relations and analyze the global challenges to American Foreign Policy in the near future.

Co-organized by the Center on China’s Transnational Relations of the HKUST and the New Era Foreign Policy Center of UC Berkeley, the workshop was the first session in the series of the “New Era Global Futures Project 2007”.

Participants of the workshop had a fruitful discussion and generated concrete recommendations on the theme “What will be the biggest global challenges impacting Sino-American relations in 2012?”

Speaking in the workshop, Prof David Zweig, Chair Professor and Director of the Center on China’s Transnational Relations and Associate Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Science, at HKUST expressed his expert views on Sino-American relations. He said, “Is this China’s century? No! The driving force of international politics over the next 20 years is the rise of China within an international system dominated by the hegemonic power of the United States.”

Another guest speaker, Prof Steven Weber, Professor and Director of the Institute of International Studies at UC Berkeley and principal organizer of the “New Era Global Futures Project” added, “In today’s world, no country exists in a vacuum. The goal of the ‘New Era Global Futures Project’ is to open a strategic dialogue with partners around the globe, so we can work together on problems that affect us all.”

The “New Era Global Futures Project” is a new venture organized by the New Era Foreign Policy Center at UC Berkeley and Duke University, together with partner institutions around the world. HKUST was chosen as the first host of the workshop series because of its well known strategic perspective on global issues.

“Future New Era Global Futures” workshops are planned for Singapore, Haifa, Geneva, London and Moscow.

About Prof David Zweig

Prof David Zweig is Chair Professor and Director of the Center on China’s Transnational Relations and Associate Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Science, at HKUST.

He is a leading expert in Chinese Politics and Foreign Policy and International Political Economy in East Asia.

His current research includes China’s resource-based foreign policy, mainlanders with overseas education, and Hong Kong’s role in China’s modernization.

About Prof Steven Weber

Prof Steven Weber is Director of the Institute of International Studies and Professor of Political Science at UC Berkeley.

He is a specialist in International Relations. His areas of special interest include international and national security; the impact of technology on national systems of innovation, defense, and deterrence; and the political economy of knowledge-intensive industries particularly software and pharmaceuticals.


For media enquiries, please feel free to contact :

Donna Wong
: 2358 6317

Prof David Zweig (left), Chair Professor and Director of the Center on China’s Transnational Relations and Associate Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Science, at HKUST, and Prof Steven Weber (right), Professor and Director of the Institute of International Studies at UC Berkeley, had a fruitful discussion on Sino-American relations in a workshop of the “New Era Global Futures Project 2007” today
Prof David Zweig (left), Chair Professor and Director of the Center on China’s Transnational Relations and Associate Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Science, at HKUST, and Prof Steven Weber (right), Professor and Director of the Institute of International Studies at UC Berkeley, had a fruitful discussion on Sino-American relations in a workshop of the “New Era Global Futures Project 2007” today