HKUST Graduate School Accorded Status as International Science & Technology Cooperation Base

The Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of China has awarded the HKUST Fok Ying Tung Graduate School (FYTGS) the status of “International Science & Technology Cooperation Base”.

There are 60 “International Science & Technology Cooperation Bases” on the Mainland, and five are in Guangdong Province.

With this new official recognition and status, the FYTGS will strengthen its cooperation with overseas universities and corporate research institutes on research in biotechnology, information technology, environment protection and advanced materials. The FYTGS aims to build joint research laboratories, establish an exchange visiting program for the university and corporate researchers, and apply for international collaboration projects with plans to host international conferences.

In the area of biotechnology, a joint-lab led by Prof Hannah Xue, Director of the Applied Genomics Center of HKUST and Prof. Hanns Möhler of University of Zurich is under planning. The joint-lab will focus on pharmaceutical research and development of new drugs. The ultimate goal is to build an international quality improvement center of Chinese medical products that is grounded in the theories of botanical chemistry, pharmacy and electro-biology.

At the same time, an ongoing study on neuropsychiatric disorders in collaboration with clinical doctors and researchers at Wurzberg University in Germany is to be further developed at the newly established international collaboration base.

The “International Science & Technology Cooperation Base” Award Ceremony was held in the Nansha IT Park in Guangzhou in May 2008. Officiating guests included the Director General of the Department of International Cooperation of MOST, officials from the Guangdong Provincial Government, Guangzhou Government and Nansha Government, Director of the Fok Ying Tung Foundation Mr. Benjamin Fok, Chairman of Fok Ying Tung Ming Yuan Development Company Mr. Michael Fok and its former Chairman Mr Ho Ming See, as well as Associate Vice-Presidents of HKUST Professors Tongxi YU and Angelina Yee.

About HKUST Fok Ying Tung Graduate School

Formally established in Nansha IT Park in 2007, the HKUST Fok Ying Tung Graduate School aims to play a key role in making a meaningful and significant impact on the technological advancement of Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta. The Graduate School will build on and extend HKUST’s wealth of research capability to better serve the region’s development need.


For media enquiries, please feel free to contact :

Donna Wong
: 2358 6317

Officiating guests are unveiling the plaque of “International Science and Technology Cooperation Base”, HKUST Fok Ying Tung Graduate School.
Officiating guests are unveiling the plaque of “International Science and Technology Cooperation Base”, HKUST Fok Ying Tung Graduate School.