HKUST Physicist Prof Penger Tong Named Fellow by American Physical Society

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) is pleased to announce that Prof Penger Tong, Professor of Physics, was named a 2010 Fellow by the American Physical Society (APS).Prof Tong was cited by the APS for his “insightful experiments to elucidate interesting new physics…and for his many contributions to the development of international research and education in experimental physics.”

Prof Tong joined HKUST in 2003. His research interests include non-equilibrium dynamics and soft condensed matter physics, including experimental studies of turbulent thermal convection, interactions and structure formation in suspensions, polymer solutions, and other complex fluids.

The APS Fellowship Program was created to recognize members who have made advances in knowledge through original research and publication, or who have made significant and innovative contributions in the application of physics to science and technology.

The Fellowship selection is a rigorous and three-layered process. Only 0.5% of the total APS membership is selected for Fellowship in the Society each year. The granting of Fellowship is therefore a distinct honor and recognition by one’s professional peers.

For media enquiries, please feel free to contact :

Ross Lai
Tel: 2358 6306 / 9103 2928

Kit Yip
Tel: 2358 6313

Prof Penger Tong
Prof Penger Tong