HKUST Sets Up Roy To Community Service Award

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) has set up an annual award to recognize students who have made exceptional contributions to community service. The award was named “Roy To Community Service Award” in memory of an HKUST graduate who recently passed away in a traffic accident on a service trip to Inner Mongolia organized by the World Emergency Relief.

“Mr Roy To was an exemplary HKUST graduate in many aspects. Upon graduation in 2005 with a degree in civil engineering, he joined the life insurance industry and achieved two promotions within 3 years. On top of his career success, he was committed to serving the under-privileged people not only in Hong Kong, but also in Mainland China and other parts of the world. His outstanding contributions have inspired many people around him to engage in charitable work.” said HKUST President Paul Chu.

At the memorial service held in honor of Roy To on Sunday 8 June 2008, HKUST Vice President Professor Roland Chin presented a gold medal posthumously to Roy To in recognition of his service to the under-privileged people in the world. The medal was received by Roy’s younger sister.

“HKUST is immensely proud of Roy as a good student, a successful graduate, and a warm hearted philanthropist,” said Professor Chin at the memorial service. “We hope that the Roy To Community Service Award will inspire young people in Hong Kong to contribute more to the community.” he added.


For media enquiries, please feel free to contact :

Ross Lai
: 2358 6306 / 9103 2928

HKUST Vice President Professor Roland Chin (left) presents posthumous award to Roy To’s sister
HKUST Vice President Professor Roland Chin (left) presents posthumous award to Roy To’s sister