HKUST Students Win Job Offers with Business Proposals

Four HKUST students on the first Schmidt-HKUST Apprentice Program (the Program) each walked away with a HK$10,000 scholarship and a possible job offer for the business proposal presented today on the application of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology on the hotel industry.

The winners are Chan Kwun-Yin Chris, Chin Jun-Xing Jack, Lee Lap-Tak Anthony and Lai Pak-Wa Shera, second and third year students of HKUST’s Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management. They were among the 12 students on the Program jointly organized by HKUST and Schmidt & Co (HK) Ltd. (Schmidt)

At a ceremony to mark the conclusion of the Program today (Monday 10 December), the students presented their business proposals in teams of four on RFID’s application on respectively the hotel, jewellery and theme park industries. Winners of Schmidt’s employment contracts were also announced at the ceremony.

Introduced in 2007-2008, the Program allows students from HKUST’s Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management to go through a 3-month attachment at Schmidt for an intensive RFID training that entails seminars, talks, site visits and mentorship.

Speaking at the closing cum prize presentation ceremony of the Program today, Schmidt Electronics Group’s Business Development Director Mr Matthew Man said, “One of the key objectives of this unique program is to explore RFID’s applications in service industries beyond mainstream logistics or manufacturing sectors in Hong Kong, we are glad that students of this Apprentice Program are delivering innovative and practicable business solutions, testimony of the success of this collaboration between academia and industry”.

Schmidt Electronics Group is one of Asia’s leading integrated technology and service providers with over 40 years of experience in an electronics industry in the Asia-Pacific region. Leveraging on Schmidt’s well-established brand name, they offer a unique bundle of value-added products and services to a broad and diversified customer base from a variety of industrial as well as non-industrial segments. Headquartered in Hong Kong, they have operations across Asia and in Europe, giving customers the benefits of local presence, regional support and consistent service.


For media enquiries, please feel free to contact :

Luk Kam Wing
: 2358 6306

May Cheung
Tel: 2358 6103

(1st from left) Members of the winning team: Chin Jun-Xing Jack, Lai Pak-Wa Shera, Lee Lap-Tak Anthony and Chan-Kwun Yin Chris
(1st from left) Members of the winning team: Chin Jun-Xing Jack, Lai Pak-Wa Shera, Lee Lap-Tak Anthony and Chan-Kwun Yin Chris