New Technology Turns Traditional Chinese Herbal Recipe into Effective Weapon Against Avian Flu

The Centre for Chinese Medicine R&D (CCM) of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) has recently developed an advanced technology to extract effective liposoluble ingredients from traditional Chinese herbal recipe “Xiasangju”(夏桑菊) which has been proved effective in preventing flu virus and avian flu virus from entering body cells.

HKUST today (Friday) signed a collaborative agreement with Guangzhou Xing Qun Pharmaceutical Company Limited (XQP), a subordinated enterprise of Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Co Ltd (GPC) which is one of the top pharmaceutical giants in Mainland China.

The agreement, which formalizes the sale of HKUST’s patented technology to XQP, will foster scientific research collaboration between Guangdong and Hong Kong in combating avian flu and common flu by using Chinese medicine.

Dignitaries attending the signing ceremony included Acting President of HKUST Prof Roland Chin, Acting Vice-President for Research and Development of HKUST and CEO of HKUST R and D Corporation Ltd Prof Tony Eastham, Dean of Science of HKUST Prof Shiu-Yuen Cheng, Head of Centre for Chinese Medicine R&D of HKUST Prof Karl Tsim, Associate Director of Technology Transfer Centre of HKUST Dr Rocky Law, Chairman and General Manager of Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Holdings Ltd Mr Rong-ming Yang, Deputy General Manager of Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Holdings Ltd Mr Ke-xiang Zhou and Chairman and General Manager of Guangzhou XingQun Pharmaceutical Company Ltd Mr Guang-feng Su.

Speaking at the ceremony, Prof Roland Chin said he was glad to see this new co-operative initiative between HKUST and XQP. It represents a perfect marriage of traditional Chinese medicine with the latest technology to break new grounds in combating disease.

Prof. Karl Tsim, Head of CCM at HKUST and the principal scientist of the project, noted that during the SARS period in 2003, CCM of HKUST had already started the scientific research on the curing effect of Chinese medicine on avian flu.

“Our research found that the ingredients of XingQun Xiasangju were effective in preventing influenza type A, type B and avian flu,.” He hoped that HKUST and XQP could co-develop a new agent based on Xiasangju for counteracting and preventive use against influenza viruses.

Also speaking at the ceremony, Chairman and General Manager of Guangzhou XingQun Pharmaceutical Company Ltd Mr Guang-feng Su said that it was the first time a leading international university and a well-known pharmaceutical enterprise in mainland China have joined hands in a project of such a nature. He was certain that this joint effort will result in fast-tracking the modernization and internationalization of Chinese medicine.

About Centre for Chinese Medicine R&D of HKUST
The Centre for Chinese Medicine R&D of HKUST was established in August, 2006. It was built to develop a systematic approach, through an integration of biosciences and engineering, for the manufacturing of quality-assured traditional Chinese medicine products. It is also designed to establish a core traditional Chinese medicine facility at HKUST in collaboration with local industry for traditional Chinese medicine modernization.

About Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Holdings Limited
Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Holdings Limited (GPH), rated one of the top 50 leading enterprises in Guangdong Province, is a large conglomerate gaining great support from the Guangdong Provincial Government and the Guangzhou Municipal Government. It is principally engaged in the manufacturing and retailing of Chinese and Western medicine. Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Company Limited, one of the listed companies of GPH, is one of the largest manufacturers of Chinese medicine in mainland China. Its subordinated enterprises, Guangzhou Xing Qun Pharmaceutical Company Limited owns five national newly-invented manufacturing technologies. Its main products include “Xiasangju” which has been officially classified as part of National Non-matter Cultural Heritage.

About Xing Qun Xiasangju
Xing Qun Xiasangju combines seltheal, mulberry leaves and chrysamthemum. It is a common “cooling tea” which relieves body aches and has detoxification benefits to the human body. It is now officially classified as part of the National Non-matter Cultural Heritage.



For media enquiries, please feel free to contact :

Donna Wong
: 2358 6317

Prof Tony Eastham , Acting Vice-President for Research and Development of HKUST and CEO of HKUST R and D Corporation Ltd signed the agreement with Mr Guang-feng Su, Chairman and General Manager of Guangzhou XingQun Pharmaceutical Company Ltd. Dignita
Prof Tony Eastham , Acting Vice-President for Research and Development of HKUST and CEO of HKUST R and D Corporation Ltd signed the agreement with Mr Guang-feng Su, Chairman and General Manager of Guangzhou XingQun Pharmaceutical Company Ltd. Dignita