Hong Kong's First Tertiary Institutions Cantonese Opera Promotion Project Kicks Off at HKUST

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) today (Friday, 10 October 2008) officially launched Hong Kong's first Tertiary Institutions Cantonese Opera Promotion Project.

This one-year project aims to enhance the knowledge and appreciation of Cantonese Opera among students and staff of tertiary institutions, and is also another of HKUST's services to the community by giving volunteer performances and providing a free performance venue at HKUST for amateur groups.

The opening ceremony at the Atrium of HKUST was officiated by the Chairman of the Cantonese Opera Development Fund Executive Committee and Advisory Committee Dr Stephen Chow; Chairman of the Hong Kong Bar Wo Organization Ms Lisa Wang; renowned Cantonese Opera artiste Mr Law Ka-ying; and HKUST Vice-President for Academic Affairs Prof Roland Chin.

After the opening ceremony, Mr Law Ka-ying gave a short talk on the characteristics of Cantonese Opera acting. Mr Law's talk was followed by a demonstration performance given by professional actress Ms Cheng Wing-mui and actor Mr Hung Hai.

The Project, organized by the HKUST Center for the Arts, received a $200,000 funding from the Cantonese Opera Development Fund under the Home Affairs Bureau. The Project encompasses four types of activities - demonstrations, workshops, Cantonese Opera performances and a photo contest.

The demonstrations are held once per semester and cover Cantonese opera singing, acting, recitation and martial arts.

The training workshop in Cantonese Opera acting comprises 48 two-hour sessions from October 2008 to September 2009. The participants will perform in the graduation performance upon completion of the training. They will also give volunteer performances in the community such as hospitals and homes for the aged.

A total of 33 students and staff members have joined the workshop. They came from seven tertiary institutions - HKUST, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Baptist University, City University of Hong Kong, Lingnan University, and Hong Kong Shue Yan University.

HKUST will also provide a free venue for performances by amateur Cantonese Opera groups.

To tie in with the territory-wide Cantonese Opera Day held by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department on 30 November 2008, the promotion project will organize a photo contest for students and staff of tertiary institutions. The winning entries will be exhibited on the HKUST campus.

For media enquiries, please feel free to contact :

Ross Lai

Tel: 2358 6306 / 9103 2928

Email: rosslai@ust.hk


Donna Wong

Tel: 2358 6317

Email: donnaw@ust.hk

 (From left) Dr Stephen Chow, Ms Lisa Wang, Mr Law Ka-ying and Prof Roland Chin officiate at the opening ceremony of Tertiary Institutions Cantonese Opera Promotion Project.
(From left) Dr Stephen Chow, Ms Lisa Wang, Mr Law Ka-ying and Prof Roland Chin officiate at the opening ceremony of Tertiary Institutions Cantonese Opera Promotion Project.
 Professional actress Ms Cheng Wing-mui (right) and actor Mr Hung Hai demonstrate Cantonese Opera.
Professional actress Ms Cheng Wing-mui (right) and actor Mr Hung Hai demonstrate Cantonese Opera.