HKUST Service Learning Day 2015 Kick-started!

Coinciding with Global Youth Service Day, HKUST Service Learning Day is a joint effort of all University members to engage with the community. Students, faculty, staff and alumni fan out into the local community over the weekend to engage in various meaningful community service opportunities. Ultimately, HKUST Service Learning Day is meant to be a door which opens up to many more exciting opportunities of community engagement for HKUST.

Over the weekend of 16 – 19 April, 900 HKUST volunteers attended to the needs of different communities through 47 projects that involved food collection, family visits, English and science workshop, organ donation promotion, community outreach, etc. A wide variety of recipients were served – from the elderly to young immigrant children from East Asia or the Mainland, from the physically challenged to mentally challenged people, and from organizations specializing in caring for abandoned animals to the food bank in Hong Kong.

Our community partners and their service clients commended all HKUST volunteers for their dedication and contributions. Many of our volunteers shared that they had learned immensely from the event. Some shared that they had gained a better understanding of our society and its needs. Others learned about different views and perspectives and the need to look at issues through different lenses.

A post Service Learning Day exhibition with sharing from volunteers will be held on 29 April to 8 May at the Hong Kong Jockey Club Atrium to spread the serving and caring message among HKUSTers. Click here for further information.

900 students, alumni and staff joined to serve in 47 community projects
900 students, alumni and staff joined to serve in 47 community projects