Light Up Around You!

As part of the 25th Anniversary celebrations, HKUST has selected 25 innovative ideas from faculty, staff and students. The venture embraces a wide array of topics, but all have in common the desire to improve lives, either for students on campus or in the world at large.  Some have grown out of meticulous University research, while others are simple yet meaningful propositions.

These ideas range from developing an “Internet of Things” campus to a mood tracking app to improve student mental health; from an affordable green organic solar cells to replace toxic batteries to an empathetic robot that can have wide applications including assisting elderly or autistic children.

The website is now launched at, profiling each project in detail.  Why not browse through, watch the videos and learn the benefits of each one –let’s contribute to the society together!

HKUST brings bright ideas to fruition and the society
HKUST brings bright ideas to fruition and the society