Lord Wilson signs agreement with HKUST on Student Exchange

Lord Wilson, Chancellor of University of Aberdeen and former Governor of Hong Kong, visited HKUST today (Wednesday) to meet with HKUST students and also signed a Memorandum of Understanding on student exchange.

The Memorandum of Understanding was jointly signed by top management of these two top-ranked universities, namely Chancellor of University of Aberdeen Lord Wilson, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of University of Aberdeen Prof Duncan Rice, Acting President of HKUST Prof Roland Chin and Dean of Science of HKUST Prof Shiu Yuen Cheng.

Speaking at the ceremony, Prof Roland Chin welcomed the old friend of HKUST, Lord Wilson who had played a key role in the founding of this university.

Also speaking at the ceremony, Lord Wilson said that he was particularly happy and heartened to see the fast progress that HKUST has achieved in such a short period.

The agreement, effective immediately, for three years, will commit the School of Science and the School of Engineering of HKUST to exchange undergraduate students with the University of Aberdeen. Ordinarily, two students majoring in science or engineering will be selected from both institutions to study at the host institution for one semester each year. Only students with a high standard of academic performance will be considered for the programme.

About University of Aberdeen

Founded in 1495, the University of Aberdeen is Scotland's third oldest and the fifth oldest in the UK. Aberdeen is an international university serving one of the most dynamic regions of Europe. With over 13,000 students, and over 3000 staff members, the University of Aberdeen is at the forefront of teaching and research in medicine, the humanities and the sciences.

For media enquires, please feel free to contact :

Luk Kam Wing

Tel: 2358 6306

Email: kluk@ust.hk


Donna Wong

Tel: 2358 6317

Email: donnaw@ust.hk

 Prof Roland Chin and Prof Shiu Yuen Cheng today signed a Memorandum of Understanding on student exchange with Chancellor of University of Aberdeen Lord Wilson and Principal and Vice-Chancellor of University of Aberdeen Prof Duncan Rice.
Prof Roland Chin and Prof Shiu Yuen Cheng today signed a Memorandum of Understanding on student exchange with Chancellor of University of Aberdeen Lord Wilson and Principal and Vice-Chancellor of University of Aberdeen Prof Duncan Rice.
 Lord Wilson in a meeting with HKUST students.
Lord Wilson in a meeting with HKUST students.