Powering Forward On Innovation Public Policy

Co-hosted by HKUST’s Institute for Public Policy and Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Engineering-Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (CAE-HKAES) Forum on Integrative Development of Innovation and Technology in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta was held on 24 May. The Forum provided a platform for attendees to exchange views upon the findings of an eight-month study of the innovation and technology policy in the region.

Supported by the Hong Kong government’s Central Policy Unit and attended by key government officials, industry leaders and academics, the CAE-HKAES Forum offered a valuable opportunity for industry experts to exchange ideas and share perspectives on the policy. Financial Secretary Mr Paul Chan, the guest of honor at the event, emphasized the government’s commitment to promote innovation and technology development in Hong Kong.

The initial findings and policy recommendations on the strengths and weaknesses of the innovation and technology eco-system in Hong Kong were presented by CAE and HKAES, followed by a panel discussion chaired by HKUST President Prof Tony F. Chan, and an open discussion to conclude the event.

The study covered key topics including Development of Innovation & Technology in Hong Kong, University-Industry-Government Collaboration, and Mainland-Hong Kong Collaboration. The presentations spurred interesting and fruitful discussions among the attendees and their collective views and policy suggestions were later incorporated into the study’s final report. Key recommendations have already been submitted to the State Council in Beijing through CAE.

The study marked the first time that the two engineering academies had carried out deep collaboration, with Prof Joseph Hun-wei Lee, Chair Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and former Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies at HKUST, serving as CAE-HKAES Policy Study Convenor. The research included interviews with leading stakeholders on both sides of the border.

“I am delighted that our Institute for Public Policy co-hosts this forum,” President Chan said. “It is part of HKUST’s mission to support the economic development of Hong Kong. Public policy is also one of the University’s five new strategic research areas. The fruitful platform that the forum provides for dialogue among academia, government and industry leaders will, I hope, help to foster greater understanding and drive action to enable Hong Kong and the region to continue at the forefront of global technological development.”

HKUST co-hosts high-level community forum on the essential role of science and technology as a growth engine for Hong Kong
HKUST co-hosts high-level community forum on the essential role of science and technology as a growth engine for Hong Kong