Fosun Vice-Chairman and CEO Mr Xinjun Liang Shares the Group’s Investment Philosophy and Entrepreneurial Spirit at HKUST 25th Anniversary Distinguished Speakers Series

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) hosted the 25th Anniversary Distinguished Speakers Series today, featuring Mr Xinjun Liang, Vice-Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of China’s leading investment corporation Fosun Group. The event was well received by students, faculty members and guests from HKUST.

In his talk titled “Fosun’s Investment Philosophy and Entrepreneurial Spirit”, Mr Liang shared how the Hong Kong-listed group has grown from a mainland enterprise with just RMB 38,000 in registered capital, into a world-leading investment group with total asset value exceeding RMB 400 billion. Mr Liang also encouraged HKUST students to engage in industries and embrace challenges in high spirits.

“The support I received during my entrepreneurial endeavor 25 years ago is still vivid memories to me,” Mr Liang said. “That is why I am now willing to give a helping hand to young entrepreneurs, listen to what they have to tell and give them equal opportunities. A nation that truly deserves the world’s respect is one that has thousands, if not millions, of fearless and dedicated young entrepreneurs who are adamant to chase their dreams day and night.”

Mr Liang is one of the founders of Fosun Group and has been Vice-Chairman of Fosun High Technology since its establishment in November 1994. He is also a Non-executive Director and Vice-Chairman of Zhaojin Mining, as well as directors of various companies within Fosun Group.

Mr Liang is the Chinese representative designate of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Business Advisory Council (ABAC) and a member of APEC’s China Industrial and Commerce Council and Management Committee. He’s also a member of the 12th Shanghai Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Executive Council Chairman of Shanghai League of TMT Industry Service, Executive Vice-Council Chairman of China Science and Technology Private Entrepreneurs Association, Chairman of The Taizhou Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, Chairman of the Fudan University Alumni Association (Shanghai), as well as Executive Vice-Council Chairman of Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business Alumni Association, amongst others.

Mr Liang is a recipient of many awards, including “Chinese Business Leader of the Year” at the 7th Horasis Global China Business Meeting in Spain in 2011, “Bauhinia Cup Outstanding Entrepreneur Award” by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2012, “Outstanding Zhejiang Entrepreneurs Award” by the 2nd World Zhejiang Entrepreneurs Convention, “Directors of the Year Awards 2013” (Non Hang Seng Index Constituents) by The Hong Kong Institute of Directors, “2013 Chinese Business Leaders” at the Grand Ceremony for Chinese Business Leaders Annual Award 2013, “Asia’s Best CEO” at the Asian Excellence Recognition Awards 2014 by Corporate Governance Asia, and “2014 Achievement Awards-Capital Markets Person of the Year” by FinanceAsia.

He was named, among others, “China’s Best Industrial Investor TOP10”, “China’s Best Internet Industry Investor TOP10” and “China’s Best Modern Agricultural Industry Investor TOP10” in 2015 China Venture Capital/Private Equity Industry List; “China’s TOP5 Best Private Equity Investor (60s) by Chinese Limited Partners” in 2015 China Venture Capital/Private Equity Innovation List issued by China Venture; and “Top Ten China Private Equity Investor” from 2011 to 2015 by Zero2IPO Group.

Mr Liang received a bachelor’s degree in genetic engineering from Fudan University in 1991, a master’s degree in business administration from Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business in 2007, and a doctor’s degree in business administration (global financial management) from Arizona State University in 2015.

Speakers of the HKUST 25th Anniversary Distinguished Speakers Series include Nobel Prize laureates, corporate leaders, entrepreneurs and key financial policy shapers. Prof Steven Chu, Nobel Laureate in Physics in 1997 and former US Secretary of Energy, was the inaugural speaker of the series. For more details, please refer to More talks are being lined up.

For media enquiries, please contact:

Anita Lam
Tel: 2358 6313
Johnny Tam
Tel: 2358 8556
 Fosun Group Chief Executive Officer Mr Xinjun Liang
Fosun Group Chief Executive Officer Mr Xinjun Liang
 Mr Xinjun Liang (Left) and HKUST President Prof Tony F Chan
Mr Xinjun Liang (Left) and HKUST President Prof Tony F Chan