Hang Lung Group Chairman Mr Ronnie C Chan Shares Insights on The Future of China and Hong Kong in the Next Decade at UC RUSAL President's Forum

UC RUSAL (SEHK: 486, Euronext: RUSAL/RUAL, Moscow Exchange: RUALR/RUALRS), a leading global aluminum producer, and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) hosted the UC RUSAL President’s Forum today, featuring Mr Ronnie C Chan, Chairman of Hang Lung Group Limited and its subsidiary Hang Lung Properties Limited. The talk was well attended by students, faculty members and guests from HKUST.

At the Forum, hosted by Prof Tony F Chan, President of HKUST, Mr Chan shared insights on “A Global Perspective: the Future of China and Hong Kong in the Next Decade”.

Mr Ronnie C Chan is Chairman of Hang Lung Group Limited and its subsidiary Hang Lung Properties Limited. Both are publicly listed companies in Hong Kong, dealing in real estate development, investment and management. Mr Chan is actively involved with many non-profits, philanthropic endeavors, and educational organizations.He is Chairman of the Executive Committees of One Country Two Systems Research Institute and of Better Hong Kong Foundation. Mr Chan is also Co-Chair of the Board of Asia Society and Chairman of its Hong Kong Center, and has served on the governing or advisory bodies of several think tanks and universities, including Tsinghua University, Fudan University, University of Southern California, among others.

Founded in 1960, Hang Lung Group Limited is one of the major property developers in Hong Kong. The Group has been expanding into mainland China since 1992. Following successes in Shanghai, since 2005 Hang Lung has been investing US$11 billion and building a number of world-class commercial complexes in major Chinese cities including Tianjin, Shenyang, Jinan, Wuxi, Dalian, Kunming and Wuhan.

UC RUSAL President’s Forum is part of a five-year joint project between HKUST and UC RUSAL, while another part of the project is a research on Fiber Reinforced Aluminium (“FRA”), a new aluminium composite. UC RUSAL has launched an online cartoon animation which introduces the successful findings on the FRA in a creative and easy-to-understand manner. Audience at the Forum has enjoyed the Premiere of the cartoon animation before the inspiring speech of Mr Chan. The cartoon animation will also be available at http://youtu.be/6XxufaEHlVc.

The UC RUSAL President’s Forum

The UC RUSAL President’s Forum is organized under the auspices of the HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study and is held biannually in Hong Kong. Prestigious scholars and scientists as well as successful business leaders and entrepreneurs are invited to share with the audience their views on varied topics including the latest trends in science and technology and its relationship with and impact on humankind, knowledge transfer, entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity. Speakers also engage in a dialogue with the HKUST President. Previous Forum speakers have included UC RUSAL CEO Mr Oleg Deripaska; Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences Prof Christopher Pissarides; then-Chairman of Goldman Sachs Asset Management Dr Jim O’Neill; Chairman of Esquel Group Ms Marjorie Yang; European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) Physicist Prof John Ellis; Chairman of Lan Kwai Fong Group and Chairman of Ocean Park Corporation Dr Allan Zeman; and Founder of Lenovo Mr Chuanzhi Liu.


UC RUSAL (www.rusal.com) is a leading, global producer of aluminium, in 2013 accounting for approximately 8% of global production of aluminium and 7% of alumina. UC RUSAL employs 67,000 people in 19 countries, across 5 continents. UC RUSAL markets and sells its products primarily in the European, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, South East Asian and North American markets. UC RUSAL’s ordinary shares are listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (Stock code: 486), global depositary shares representing UC RUSAL’s ordinary shares are listed on the professional compartment of Euronext Paris (RUSAL for Reg S GDSs and RUAL for Rule 144A GDSs), and Russian depositary receipts that are issued on common shares of the Company are listed on Moscow Exchange (RUALR/RUALRS).

About the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) (www.ust.hk) is a top-ranked international research university excelling in science, technology and business as well as humanities and social science. Internationally renowned for its academic rigor and accomplishments, the University promotes interdisciplinary studies and provides holistic education, nurturing well-rounded graduates with a strong entrepreneurial spirit, innovative thinking and relevant skills to thrive in a knowledge economy. As an international university with strong ties to global thought leaders, HKUST has wide-ranging connections with Mainland China while aspiring to be a global premier knowledge hub and a center for research breakthroughs. HKUST was ranked first in Hong Kong for the world’s under-50 universities in 2014-2015.  The Kellogg-HKUST Executive MBA (EMBA) program was placed No. 2 in the Financial Times EMBA global rankings in 2014.

 For media enquiries:

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Gladys Kong
Tel: (852) 2864-4806
Sherry No
Tel: 2358 6317
Email: sherryno@ust.hk
Isabel Kwok
Tel: (852) 2864 4824 / 6475-7796
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Tel: 2358 6313
Email: anitalam@ust.hk
 Mr Ronnie C Chan (left) and Prof Tony F Chan lead a discussion with the participants on the future of China and Hong Kong in the next decade.
Mr Ronnie C Chan (left) and Prof Tony F Chan lead a discussion with the participants on the future of China and Hong Kong in the next decade.