HKUST Confers Honorary Fellowships on Four Distinguished Leaders

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) held its annual ceremony for the award of Honorary Fellowships today.  Officiating at the ceremony were the Honourable Andrew Liao Cheung-sing, Chairman of HKUST Council, and Prof Tony F Chan, President of HKUST.  Four distinguished leaders, Mr Nicholas Brooke, Mr Ronald Kee-Young Chao, Dr Steven J DeKrey and Prof Charles G Sodini, were conferred Honorary Fellowships today.

Mr Nicholas Brooke, SBS, JP, Chairman of Professional Property Services Limited, is a stalwart player in public and professional service.  Mr Brooke is a founder member and fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors, the chairman of the Harbourfront Commission, a member of the Commission on Strategic Development, co-founded the Heritage Hong Kong Foundation with his wife, Margaret, and has also served on the Hong Kong Town Planning Board and Hong Kong Housing Authority.  Mr Brooke served first as a board member and then as chairman of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation from 2007 to 2014.

Mr Ronald Kee-Young Chao, Vice-Chairman of Novel Enterprises Ltd, is a prominent businessman and philanthropist.  Mr Chao has pledged US$150 million to support educational institutions and scholarships in Greater China and Asia to build intercultural student dormitories and set up study abroad scholarships for Asian students at leading universities in Asia.  The program was later expanded to include other nationalities and was renamed the Asian Youth Center Project and an Asian Future Leaders Scholarship Program was set up in 2013, which includes 16 top universities in Greater China, Japan and Korea, with HKUST among the six anchor institutions.

Dr Steven J DeKrey is the President of the Asian Institute of Management.  Dr DeKrey joined HKUST in 1996.  He was the HKUST Business School Senior Associate Dean, Director of Master’s Programs and Adjunct Professor of Management.  Dr DeKrey reshaped the School’s MBA program and became Founding Director of the Executive MBA program.  He has made immense contribution to excellence at the School and the University’s local, national and global standing.  In 2008, he became Chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong.  He was also former President of the Kellogg Alumni Club of Hong Kong, former President of the Kowloon Rotary Club and the first Honorary Member of the HKUST Alumni Advisory Board.

Prof Charles G Sodini is the LeBel Professor of Electrical Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and an Adjunct Professor in the Electronic and Computer Engineering Department at HKUST.  Prof Sodini, a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), is an expert in microelectronics.  With his research expertise and all-round industry experience, Prof Sodini became founder and co-director of MIT’s Medical Electronic Device Realization Centre in 2011.  He and Prof Mitchell Tseng from HKUST’s Department of Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management launched in 2014 the HKUST-MIT Research Alliance Consortium, which aims to spur development in Hong Kong by driving forward industry-relevant research with local, regional and global impact.

For media enquiries, please contact:

Sherry No
Tel: 2358 6317


Anita Lam
Tel: 2358 6313


 At the Honorary Fellowship Presentation Ceremony: (from left) The Honourable Andrew Liao Cheung-sing, Mr Nicholas Brooke, Mr Ronald Kee-Young Chao, Dr Steven J DeKrey and Prof Charles G Sodini and Prof Tony F Chan.
At the Honorary Fellowship Presentation Ceremony: (from left) The Honourable Andrew Liao Cheung-sing, Mr Nicholas Brooke, Mr Ronald Kee-Young Chao, Dr Steven J DeKrey and Prof Charles G Sodini and Prof Tony F Chan.