HKUST Presents Common Core Course Excellence Award

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) held the Third Common Core Course Excellence Award Presentation Ceremony today in recognition of the outstanding Common Core courses. The event highlights the University’s endeavor and commitment to foster a holistic education for undergraduate students.

This year’s Excellence Award went to “Identity Goes Global: From Border Crossing to Boundary Remaking” taught by Assistant Prof May Yi Shaw and Mr Bo Xu from the Division of Humanities. The course enables students to study and understand “global identity” across different disciplines such as race, ethnicity, nationality, language, culture or gender with a comprehensive and creative approach. Students are encouraged to think critically about their own identity and the factors that have shaped and continue to influence the core of their own identity.

Two Honorary Mentions were given to “Contemporary Hong Kong: Society” taught by Prof Julian M Groves from the Division of Social Science, and “English for University Studies I & II” taught by Ms Jan Pople, Mr Mark Hopkins, Ms Irene Ng and Ms Ivy Sek from the Center for Language Education. The former introduces the concepts of sociological mindfulness to students through class discussions, original research, meetings with social leaders and a voluntary community project. Students are able to understand the social context of Hong Kong’s economic and political development from broader perspectives. The latter uses a variety of interdisciplinary content to stimulate students’ interest in learning English. Through student-centered teaching, small-class teaching and the creative use of technology, the course enables 1,800 first-year students with differing levels of English proficiency to enhance their standard.

Prof King-lau Chow, Chairman of the University’s Committee on Undergraduate Core Education, officiated at the ceremony and congratulated the winning instructional teams. He said, “The common core courses play a key role in enriching students’ overall educational experience, complementing studies in specialist disciplines and other learning opportunities. The awarded courses are outstanding examples of our common core courses. I am glad to see the courses are delivered effectively through the dedicated efforts of our faculty.”

Prof Chih-chen Chang, Academic Director (Undergraduate Core Education) said, “The University would continue to review and enhance its courses to ensure inspirational and innovative programs are provided to students. We hope our students will be able to find their direction for lifelong pursuit, acquire skills to realize their personal goals, and in return contribute to the society and the world.”

Launched in 2010, HKUST’s Common Core Program covers 8 core areas: social analysis, science and technology, humanities, quantitative reasoning, English communication, Chinese communication, arts, as well as healthy lifestyle. It comprises 36 credits out of a total of 120 to 126 credits of the four-year degree program. The selection process for this Award is rigorous and is based on: the design of the course syllabus, assessment plan, course delivery, pedagogy and teaching innovation, and being overall an exemplar of a good common core course.

For media enquiries, please feel free to contact:

Sherry No
Tel: 2358 6317




Ella Au Yeung
Tel: 2358 6306




 HKUST presents its Common Core Course Excellence Award 2014: (from left) Prof Chih-chen Chang, Prof May-yi Shaw, Prof Julian M Groves, Ms Jan Pople, Mr Mark Hopkins, Ms Irene Ng, Ms Ivy Sek and Prof King-lau Chow at the award presentation ceremony.
HKUST presents its Common Core Course Excellence Award 2014: (from left) Prof Chih-chen Chang, Prof May-yi Shaw, Prof Julian M Groves, Ms Jan Pople, Mr Mark Hopkins, Ms Irene Ng, Ms Ivy Sek and Prof King-lau Chow at the award presentation ceremony.