HKUST Presents Long Service Awards 2015

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) held its annual Long Service Award Presentation Ceremony, honoring faculty and staff members who reached 20 years of service at the University.

HKUST established the Long Service Award to express appreciation and recognition to long-serving faculty and staff members whose hard work and dedication have contributed to the University’s rapid rise over the past 24 years. This year, HKUST presented awards to 163 members who joined the University in 1995.

HKUST President Prof Tony F Chan, together with the vice-presidents, deans, heads and directors of departments and units attended the presentation ceremony. The awardees’ families and friends were also invited by the University to join the event and shared the joy at the celebration.

Officiating at the Long Service Award Presentation Ceremony, Prof Chan said, “I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to the long-serving faculty and staff members for their dedication and tireless efforts to the University. HKUST is very fortunate to have the faculty and staff members who are highly committed and devoted, and the University owes its excellence to these members.”

The annual award recognizes the unfailing contribution of faculty and staff members and fosters their sense of belonging.

For media enquiries:

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Tel: 2358 6317
Charmaine Lo
Tel: 2358 8556