World Experts in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Gather at HKUST to Share Insights into Future

The Big Data Institute (BDI) of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) today (Friday) organized its first Big Data and AI Day, playing host to a stellar assemblage of world top academics and industry celebrities in the realm of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI), sharing information and insights into the future of this trendy field.

Since the establishment of the BDI in 2016, its first Big Data and AI Day drew a learned audience of over 500 guests, including local and overseas academics, leaders in the Big Data and AI-related industries, as well as students from various tertiary institutions in Hong Kong and abroad. The overwhelming attendance attested to the key role of HKUST's research in these fields.

Dr Tieniu Tan, Vice Minister of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in Hong Kong, officiated at the symposium. In his keynote speech on big visual data analysis, Dr Tam said, “Hong Kong is a great place for Big Data and AI, and Big Data and AI are a great hope for Hong Kong, making the place smarter and stronger.”

Delivering the opening remarks, President Chan said, “Research into Big Data and AI is one of HKUST’s strategic directions, and the Big Data Institute is a platform for a multitude of disciplines within the University to collaborate.” Other speakers included Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies and The Morningside Professor of Life Science Prof Nancy Ip, and Dean of Engineering Prof Tim Cheng.

Dean Tim Cheng noted that HKUST has introduced a number of initiatives in this area, including setting up the Big Data Institute, WeChat-HKUST Joint Lab on Artificial Intelligence Technology, Big Data for Bio Intelligence Laboratory, and launching two pioneering programs – a Master of Science program and an undergraduate minor program – both in Big Data Technology.

Prof Qiang Yang, New Bright Professor of Engineering, Head of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering and Director of the Big Data Institute, said, “The whole world is fast becoming a digital society, and in the process, a lot of data are accumulated. Whoever can master the power of these data will move ahead. HKUST is at the forefront of research in the fields of AI and Big Data, and is well positioned to lead Hong Kong in this revolution.”

Meanwhile, 20 student projects on the application of various aspects of Big Data and AI were showcased at the symposium.

For more information about the Big Data and AI Day, please click here. For details of the program rundown and the student projects, please click here. For media enquiries, please contact:
School of Engineering Dorothy Yip
Tel: (852) 2358 5917 / (852) 6280 9402
Public Affairs Office
Clare Chan
Tel: 2358 6306
 Dr Tieniu Tan, Vice Minister of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in HKSAR (7th from right), HKUST President Prof Tony F Chan (6th from right), Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies Prof Nancy Ip (7th from left), Dean of Engineering Prof Tim Cheng (5th from right), Prof Qiang Yang, Head of the Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Director of the Big Data Institute (4th from right), with world-class academic and industry leaders in Big Data and AI fields, and HKUST faculty.
Dr Tieniu Tan, Vice Minister of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in HKSAR (7th from right), HKUST President Prof Tony F Chan (6th from right), Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies Prof Nancy Ip (7th from left), Dean of Engineering Prof Tim Cheng (5th from right), Prof Qiang Yang, Head of the Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Director of the Big Data Institute (4th from right), with world-class academic and industry leaders in Big Data and AI fields, and HKUST faculty.
 President Tony F Chan welcomed the guests and audience.
President Tony F Chan welcomed the guests and audience.
 Prof Tim Cheng gave opening remarks.
Prof Tim Cheng gave opening remarks.
 Dr Tieniu Tan spoke on “big visual data analysis”.
Dr Tieniu Tan spoke on “big visual data analysis”.
 Prof Qiang Yang introduced the research achievements of the Big Data Institute.
Prof Qiang Yang introduced the research achievements of the Big Data Institute.