Brightest Asian Young Students Gather at HKUST to Receive Awards from Johns Hopkins University

Young students from seven Asian countries or regions gathered at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) on Saturday, 4 April to receive their International Talent Search Award for High Honors presented by Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth (JHU-CTY).

With a history spanning three decades, JHU-CTY is one of the world's top institutions dedicated to the search for, and development of, talented youngsters in and outside the US. The ceremony at HKUST was their first annual international awards ceremony held in Asia.

Attending the ceremony were 65 youngsters from Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, India, Mainland China and Hong Kong, studying in primary or junior secondary school. They were identified through JHU-CTY's International Talent Search, based on their SAT or S-CAT performance. SAT is a globally administered test taken by university-bound students, and S-CAT is a similar test scaled for younger students.

In 2008-09, over 1,100 students from around the world joined 62,000 US students in taking part in the Talent Search.

JHU-CTY Executive Director Lea Ybarra said, "Students from about 120 countries have come through our programs over the past 30 years. So it was natural for us, as part of Johns Hopkins University, to look to an international crossroads like Hong Kong for our first international Awards Ceremony."

A new summer program for academically talented youngsters will be jointly organized by HKUST and JHU-CTY in July on HKUST campus. This three-week program will cover such subjects as cryptology, game theory, mathematical logic, biomedical science, electrical engineering and essay writing.

For media enquiries, please feel free to contact :

Ross Lai

Tel: 2358 6306 / 9103 2928



Donna Wong

Tel: 2358 6317



The Center for the Development of The Gifted and Talented (CDGT)

Samson Chan

Tel: 2358 5084


 Proud primary school pupils from different Asian countries receiving the Academic Award
Proud primary school pupils from different Asian countries receiving the Academic Award
 Dr Katherine Kidd, Senior Program Manager, Summer Academic Programs of the Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth addressing the talented youngsters as well as their parents and teachers
Dr Katherine Kidd, Senior Program Manager, Summer Academic Programs of the Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth addressing the talented youngsters as well as their parents and teachers