HKUST Professor Receives International Award

The international Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) has bestowed the Distinguished Early Career Contributions Award on HKUST Management Professor Riki Takeuchi. 
The award is given to an individual who makes important contributions to the science and/or practice of industrial-organizational psychology within seven years of receiving their PhD degree. The SIOP is an international organization based in Ohio, the US and is also a division within the American Psychological Association (est.1892) and an organizational affiliate of the American Psychological Society (est. 1988). 
Prof. Takeuchi graduated from the University of Maryland, College Park, in December 2003 and since then he has published or has in press 14 high quality papers in top-tier journals. He is the first (principal) author of eight of these papers. 
He has made significant theoretical and empirical contributions in the field of expatriate adjustment. This is a subject that has grown in importance as a result of globalization, which has increased the need for businesses to develop global talent. Understanding what matters for facilitating expatriates'  adjustment to the foreign cultural context can help businesses develop their global management successfully. 
Using an integrated approach in his research, Prof. Takeuchi and his co-authors have found that, among other phenomena, prior international experiences do affect expatriate employees' adjustment levels and that spouse adjustment has an influence on expatriate adjustment and vice versa. 
Commenting on the SIOP award, Prof. Takeuchi said, "I am delighted that my research has received recognition from a pre-eminent international society, and at the same time I am humbled by the honor. I will continue to work towards improving understanding of expatriate adjustment and other related issues. I hope my work will contribute to more efficient business management as companies become more and more globalized." 
Prof. Takeuchi is Japanese, one of 20 nationalities represented in the 140-strong HKUST Business School. He joined HKUST in January 2004 and was promoted to an Associate Professor in July 2008. In addition to this latest award, he has received other awards for academic and teaching excellence from the University of Maryland and HKUST. He sits on the editorial review boards of many top tier journals in management and has received outstanding reviewer awards for his stellar services.

 Prof Riki Takeuchi
Prof Riki Takeuchi
 Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology