HKUST Ranked First in Greater China, Top 20 in World, in Global Graduate Employability Rankings

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) has climbed to No.18 in the high-profile Global Employability University Ranking 2013. HKUST is the only university in Greater China in the top 20.

The survey and rankings are conducted by Emerging, a French human resources consultancy, and Trendence, a leading European research institute. The ranking was derived from the responses of 5,000 recruiters in a total of 30 countries and regions, including France, Germany, Italy, the US, the UK, Japan, Singapore, Mainland China and Hong Kong: Those responding comprised 2,700 online, and some 2,300 CEOs and chairmen from the leading 1,000 companies, who cast votes for the top 150 universities producing the most employable graduates.

Prof Tony F Chan, President of HKUST, said: "HKUST is one of the most international universities in China and we are committed to nurturing graduates with a broad set of skills and global perspectives that enable them to be comfortable in both East and West settings. We also seek to develop graduates who embrace creativity and an entrepreneurial spirit. The result is a testament to our holistic education model, excelling in science, technology and business as well as humanities and social science, and the international environment in which learning takes place.

"HKUST's goal does not lie in achieving high rankings. We set our sights on achieving our mission in education and research to spur students' all-round development and educate them to be global leaders who contribute to society. However, we are delighted by the wide recognition given to the remarkable accomplishments of our graduates by key recruiters and employers around the world."

To develop confident employable graduates, HKUST has strategically partnered with world-class universities to enrich students' experience through exchanges, internships and voluntary service. The University is seeking to extend the number of international exchanges to 50% of its undergraduates.

HKUST's Career Center facilitates students' career planning by identifying their interests, keeping abreast of requirements in the ever-changing job market, and understanding employer expectations. The University also leverages its extensive network of employers, professional bodies and alumni in its programs and initiatives, enhancing graduates' employability.

For the full results of the Global Employability University Ranking 2013, visit

For media enquiries, please feel free to contact :

Ella Au Yeung

Tel: 2358 6306
