Inspiration to Go Green 

The team “EnerBy” from HKUST won the energy management company Schneider Electric’s Global Business Case Challenge “Go Green in the City 2014” that was held in Paris from 17-21 June 2014.

The winning team, which comprises of Keith Chan Jin-Deng and Jasmine Lee Man-Ki, students of BSc in Environmental Management and Technology program at HKUST, beat over 10,000 students from all over the world with their business case Energy Forecast Program. The program integrates smart plugs to allow smart metering through a mobile application.

The HKUST students’ entry is a mobile application that bills customers before using electricity, allowing people to efficiently monitor and manage their use of energy consumption.

Keith explained that consumers should be allowed to view their remaining percentage of electricity to be used for the lump sum that has been paid. He also suggested a preferential package for consumers to purchase the amount of electricity that is expected to be used for the coming month. Should they exceed the consumption limit, they will be charged according to the standard tariff.

Keith who scored the maximum 10As in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination in 2010, is passionate about environmental issue, inspired by a movie An Inconvenient Truth, a documentary film which raise the public’s awareness about global warming, raising international public awareness of climate change and reenergizing the environmental movement.

For more information, please click here.

HKUST students win global green business case competition
HKUST students win global green business case competition