Winning studies push forward world of science

There was something for all connected with HKUST to smile about at the recent 2011 Young Scientists Awards organized by the Hong Kong Institution of Science. Our doctoral students swept ALL the top honors in the annual contest.

Chen Jiefei, Department of Physics, received her award in the Physical/Mathematical Science category for a study reaffirming Einstein's theory that nothing travels faster than light in a vacuum. The winners of the Life Science category were Alan Wong Siu-lun and Wu Lin, Division of Life Sciences, for enhancing understanding of Parkinson's disease and deaf-blindness respectively. These three were joined by Li Dong, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, who was awarded the main accolade in the Engineering Science category for advancing optical microscopy technology, a driver of major developments in biological science and medicine.

HKUST President Tony F Chan said he was delighted by the achievements of the four PhD students who were competing against a total field of 65 entries.  He noted that HKUST provided an array of platforms to allow young researchers to unlock their full potential and work at the highest levels. The University would continue to foster science and technology research and innovation in line with its position as a world-class research institution, he said.