Research@HKUST Highlights Our World-Class Status

In our quarter century as a top academic institution, we have embarked upon an extraordinary journey in research. To this end, Research@HKUST is a must read for those seeking to learn more about the latest developments in our mission.

From structural biology, to urban sustainability, humanising robots, big data, disruptive innovation, and demystifying China’s finance, HKUST has demonstrated its research breadth in addressing global and societal challenges. Indeed, HKUST topped the most recent Research Assessment Exercise by the University Grants Committee (UGC) in Hong Kong, with 70 percent of HKUST’s submissions rated either “world leading” (four star) or “internationally excellent” (three star).

The achievement is particularly remarkable as HKUST just celebrated its 25th Anniversary in 2016, rapidly transforming from its humble beginnings into a top global institution. Though numerically small with just 650 faculty and 5,000 postgraduates, our reach and reputation are founded upon vision, commitment, prescience and collaborative endeavour that nurture and advance the spirit of curiosity, discovery, and innovation.

So have a look through the latest Research@HKUST to discover more about our research achievements across disciplinary boundaries of Science, Engineering, Business and Management, Humanities and Social Science, aligned with the University’s five areas of strategic focus – data science, autonomous systems and robotics, sustainability, design thinking and entrepreneurship, public policy – along with other high-impact undertakings. There is also a new section on technological advances leading to spinoff companies.

View the full version of Research@HKUST 2017.

View the full version of Research@HKUST 2016.