I was there

I was there when she was born. I saw her take her first hesitant steps. I tried to provide some help along the way and now she is mature and has a great future ahead of her. Her name is HKUST. I joined the University in 1989.

We nurtured them, guided them and loved them. They are now mature young women with a great future ahead of them. They are our daughters, born in 1989.

Growing children and a growing University have lots in common, if you think about it. HKUST is my third child. I have seen it grow, from a hole in the ground - no buildings, few professors and no students - into a top University.

Proud family members fill the atrium every year at the congregation. Proud parents attend their children's weddings. Both events make way for the next generation.

Sentimental, I know but ………..