Rosy Prospects for Graduates Highest Monthly Salary hits $67,000

More than 99% of graduates from the Class of 2006 had found jobs, started businesses or begun further studies by late 2006, according to a survey conducted by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST).

Average gross monthly income has increased to HK$12,421, up 8% over the previous year, with the highest individual monthly salary reaching $67,000.

Of the 1,549 respondents, 85% found full-time jobs; 12.5% were furthering their studies, while only 1.5% were engaged in temporary or part-time work. The full-time employment rate recorded an increase of 6% compared with the previous year.

"The employment survey is encouraging. Both the full-time employment rate and the average gross monthly income of graduates from the Class of 2006 have recorded a considerable increase. Many employers in business and financial sectors are willing to offer above-average salaries to attract brilliant HKUST graduates. It shows that HKUST graduates cater for the needs of knowledge-based society," said Prof Roland Chin, Acting Vice-President for Academic Affairs of HKUST.

By job nature, banking and finance is one of the most prominent industries in Hong Kong, hiring 12% of graduates with the highest increase of employment rate.

The most popular professions are engineering (18%), system administration and programming (14%), accounting (13%), sales/marketing (11%), and administration/management (10%).

Commerce and business is still the largest employment sector, drawing 69% of HKUST graduates, followed by manufacturing and industry (14%), education (10%), government (3%) and construction (3%).

"HKUST will continue to fortify students with all-round enrichment initiatives including internships and overseas exchange programs in addition to job-seeking skills," Prof Chin added.

The survey also shows that a total of 193 graduates are furthering their studies, with the number decreasing from 17% to 13%. It shows that more graduates are joining the workforce earlier.

For media enquiries, please feel free to contact :

Luk Kam Wing

Tel: 2358-6306



Donna Wong

Tel: 2358-6317
