HKUST Launches Undergraduate Research Award to Encourage Academic Research at Undergraduate Level

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) today (Monday) held its first presentation of the Mr Armin and Mrs Lillian Kitchell Undergraduate Research Award.

The six award recipients are hand picked from the 250 participants in the latest Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program. The championship went to Miss Xu Rui of the Business School, the first runners-up were Mr Yang Yang and Miss Liu Yangyang, both from the Engineering School, while the second runners-up were Mr Wu Degang and Mr Li Rui both of the Science School, and Mr Poon Ho Yee of the Engineering School.

The Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program is designed to promote research culture at the undergraduate level by giving undergraduate students the opportunity to actively engage in research under the guidance and supervision of professors. The number of participants has grown year by year, from 72 students in 2005 to 250 last year.

"UROP is becoming our signature program, and it sets the standards against which other local universities will be measured. Indeed, academic research is the foundation on which the University's success lays," said President Tony F Chan at the ceremony.

Apart from students and faculty members, the ceremony was attended by a number of donors. They were immensely gratified by the brilliant performance of all the students.

For media enquiries, please feel free to contact :

Ross Lai

Tel: 2358 6306 / 9103 2928



Donna Wong

Tel: 2358 6317


 Hand in hand, heart in heart, the award winners prepare to soar high in the realm of academic research.
Hand in hand, heart in heart, the award winners prepare to soar high in the realm of academic research.
 Champion Miss Xu Rui gives a vote of thanks to the University and its donors.
Champion Miss Xu Rui gives a vote of thanks to the University and its donors.
 The President, senior administrators, faculty members, donors and students celebrate a promising future.
The President, senior administrators, faculty members, donors and students celebrate a promising future.