HKUST President Tony F Chan and Caltech President Jean-Lou Chameau Share Insights into Global Higher Education Development

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) President Tony F Chan today had an inspiring discussion with President Jean-Lou Chameau of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) at the Presidents Forum at HKUST. Both HKUST and Caltech are elite universities, with relatively small student numbers but outstanding achievements by their faculty, alumni and students.

The Presidents Forum is one of the celebratory activities for HKUST's 20th Anniversary.

President Chan furthered his studies at Caltech after completing his secondary education in Hong Kong. Caltech is an internationally renowned university with a long history. Over 30 of their faculty or alumni have so far received Nobel Prizes.

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For media enquiries, please feel free to contact :

Ross Lai
Tel: 2358 6306 / 9103 2928

 Caltech President Jean-Lou Chameau (left) and President Tony F Chan share the secrets of success of their universities.
Caltech President Jean-Lou Chameau (left) and President Tony F Chan share the secrets of success of their universities.
 President Tony F Chan graduated from Caltech in 1973.
President Tony F Chan graduated from Caltech in 1973.