Accomplishing my dream - Samantha Kong

Kong Wing Man Samantha

Year 3, Chemical and Environmental Engineering

Head Student Ambassador of HKUST

Recipient of the HK Top 10 Outstanding Youth

Three years ago, I entered HKUST with the dream of accomplishing a goal – to become an all-round person. My years here have subsequently proved to be the most rewarding in my life.

Through opportunities such as the exchange program, and voluntary service, and by taking up leadership roles, I began to appreciate the connection between people and to develop my passion for international relations. HKUST provides students with numerous opportunities to develop themselves. I have visited many places around the world for exchange, conferences on entrepreneurship and leadership, and voluntary service, all of which have broadened my outlook. I have been to the US, Singapore, Hangzhou, Beijing and Xi’an. Through these experiences, I have become more aware of policies, systems, and various issues related to different countries.

My goal in life is to promote positive change in the world through social entrepreneurship and leadership. In my desire to make a difference to society, I began to explore and to try to understand more about the issues facing people around me. I was then motivated to do something about them.

So I founded a social enterprise called Eldpathy, which won the Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge championship in 2012. I and my co-founders introduced the Elderly Simulation Program in which participants of all ages could undertake a series of challenges facing seniors by putting on a specially designed suit that mimicked the physical limitations of an elderly person. We also provided a platform for participants to turn their empathy into action by joining various voluntary services for the elderly.I believe we have made a positive contribution toward fostering a better relationship between seniors and younger people through such cross-generational dialogue.

In addition, I served the University as a Former Head Student Ambassador, leading a team to arrange talks and secondary school visits for prospective students. I also assisted new engineering students as a core peer mentor, guiding them in their academic studies and providing advice on selecting a major. I believe these roles have helped me to improve both my communication and leadership skills.

With the support of professors, staff and friends, I have therefore managed to accomplish my goal of becoming an all-round person before graduation. I also received a Hong Kong Top 10 Outstanding Youth and Community Service Award. The honors are organized by the Home Affairs Bureau to commend young people with impressive achievements in personal development, leadership and social service.

Life at HKUST has been fruitful. I will never forget my adventurous journey here.

 Samantha attending G20 Youth Summit
Samantha attending G20 Youth Summit
 Samantha had student exchange at Stanford University
Samantha had student exchange at Stanford University
 Samantha visit the elderly
Samantha visit the elderly
 Samantha sharing to engineering students as a core peer mentor
Samantha sharing to engineering students as a core peer mentor
 Samantha being the Head of Student Ambassador
Samantha being the Head of Student Ambassador