2011 Citi International Case Competition in UST

Michelle Qin, Business, Year 3

I was honor to be nominated by School of Business and Management (SBM) to represent HKUST (team of 4 students) to join the 2011 Citi International Case Competition ( 

Our team moved to the university visitor center (i.e. hotel in UST) on Sunday and tried to get ready for the competition. The apartment is really cool and living with others together make this week a totally fun experience!

On Monday, we visited the case company - Hong Kong International Terminal (HIT) under Hong Kong Port Holdings (a subsidiary of Cheung Kong Holdings 長江實業 by Mr 

After getting the actual case on Tuesday, we started our 26 hours case preparation immediately- We only have 26 hours to prepare for the preliminary presentation on Wednesday, including sleeping time. Well, we slept for 4 hours, much more than some of the other team XD

Although we lost to the champion team Thammasat University from Thailand in our division preliminary presentation, we really learned a lot from the whole process, in terms of both case competition and personal development. Also, we had so much fun exchanging ideas with other teams, especially after the competition XD