Two little stories in HKUST (2001 & 2011)

28 Aug 2001 | UG Yr1 | Under the media spotlight with Prof. Chu Awesome! I talked to my University Principal and I am on the NEWSPAPER! It all happened by coincidence. Yesterday, I had just finished my Ocamp and was on the way home. When I was passing by the Atrium, I noticed a large crowd of reporters. I decided to get closer to the crowd simply out of curiosity and noticed a group of reporters interviewing our principal Prof. Chu. Since that was the first time I had ever met Prof. Chu so I tried to squeeze into the crowd so I could hear what he was saying. The miraculous moment came! Suddenly, someone tapped my shoulder and I was kind of pushed to the front of the crowd. A person encouraged me to talk to Prof. Chu. I felt the eyes of the entire crowd on me. I was so embarrassed that I abruptly uttered something that I don't even remember to this day. I suppose Prof. Chu must have noticed my nervousness because he beamed at me and gave me a friendly greeting. He then began asking me about my studies in a pleasant warm tone that put me at ease and he also encouraged me in my study and said “Every learning should go with your interest.” His kind inspirational words and reassuring manner definitely left a lasting impression on me. Suddenly, I felt that the social distance that exists between students and the principal was actually not as great as I had once imagined. I guess the moral of this story is that once we dare to step out, people like Prof. Chu are willing to hear our voices. This simple moment of kindness made me realize I am not just a number. Instead I am an intricate part of HKUST and I am proud of being that, even if it is just a small part. 30 Oct 2011 | MBA Yr 1 | The invaluable experience in HKUST MBA This week is already the 8th week of our MBA program. I find it very intensive, challenging and more importantly, practical. We will no longer find studies annoying. Instead, we treasure every single piece of knowledge we gain. Studying with a group of mature and intelligent people makes the whole thing even more meaningful. In the class, we shared our experience of managing teams in companies or doing business projects with each other, giving me insights about how I am going to run my own start-up. This invaluable knowledge is obviously not something we can find easily from books, but we did gain it from the class. I value the happiness my life in UST has brought me. I appreciate the endless support from my friends, supervisors and principal in UST. I admire the efforts the staffs in UST have put to make the University become a better education institution for future generations. I hope HKUST will become the top University in the world very soon.

 Under the media spotlight with Prof. Chu
Under the media spotlight with Prof. Chu
 The invaluable experience in HKUST MBA
The invaluable experience in HKUST MBA