What it Means to Be Green

HKUST’s captivating sea view is a gift for all students, and a reminder that we affect the natural environment.  Ansh Nasta, a mechanical engineering student and Eco-Rep in the Sustainable Campus Leadership Program has a passion for reducing our ecological footprint. Learn about his sustainability focus here.

One HKUST student has found his  calling promoting sustainability on campus

Set amid the captivating scenery of Clear Water Bay, the HKUST campus acts as a buffer between urban development and the natural environment. Yet environmental sustainability is not always on everyone’s minds as they move through our buildings and open spaces. But Ansh Nasta is different.

A second-year mechanical engineering student and an Eco-Rep in the Sustainable Campus Leadership Program, Ansh is aware that the campus needs to reduce its ecological footprint. When asked what spurred his commitment to the environment he credited the influence of his mother, who loves to garden, and the experience of growing up in Mumbai as skyscrapers slowly displaced the local sparrow population.

On campus, Ansh has found a group of fellow students who share his passion in sustainability, and now they are eager to put their words into action. As part of the Green Team, Ansh and his peers have proposed a project that will involve covering the walkway near the Lee Shau Kee Business Building with solar panels. An e-waste recycling program that will be rolled out all around campus is now also underway.

For Ansh, leading a sustainable lifestyle is all about having the right mindset, but that can be hard to cultivate. “In Hong Kong, it is very easy to get resources like food, water and electricity. People are not ready to sacrifice convenience to be more sustainable,” he said. “But I will just keep trying, because I know that I’m doing the right thing.” In his view, the road to a sustainable future begins at small steps; for example, HKUST could try initiatives such as using motion sensors with toilet lighting to reduce energy waste and holding more events like the Green Products Fair.

After all, actions always speak louder than words.

Source: HKUST Sustainability